Number Track
I decided to start doing a home made dugout to go with my gaming board. I thought it was best to have it in multiple parts one with the number track and one with the actual dug outs for the players. I wasn't going to spend too much time on it so it had to be simple.
First off, I measured and cut out a suitable sized board. I'm not quite sure what the technical name of the board is, its sort of pulp + adhesive pressed into a board.

I then use spray adhesive to stick a layer of cereal box cardboard on top. It wasn't long enough to go all the way so I decided to only have it over the numbers, and not the labels on the side (which indicate what the numbers represent). I have stuck it printed side down because sometimes the printing interferes with the primer. Plus the raw side has nicer texture.

I turned it over and trimmed the excess cereal box card off. Then flip it over again and mark in the squares. Next I use a dried out pen to draw heavily onto the cardboard, scoring in the boxes.

After that, I stuck on number stickers for the number track and the labels. I decided to have the score track here since my pitch does not have the score track. I also collapsed the two halfs onto one. I wanted to label the first column "score" but irritatingly ran out of "R"s so I changed it to "TD" for touch downs. Now I spray the whole thing black!

After the black, I slightly mist it with a pale greyish blue by making multiple quick passes with the spray can over the black.

Then the drybrushing begins. The sticker alphabets and numbers will stick out and the boxes scored with the pen will fall in so hopefully all of that will be picked up by the dry brush. I first gave it a light dry brush with an orangey brown. Then followed by multiple layers of a light creamy colour. I decided that that the details were not obvious enough so I used a black ball point pen and drew in the shadows on the words and numbers and also re-drew the lines for the box. After that, I gave it another few goes with the creamy colour dry brush and its done. Now to wait for a dry day and give it a few coats of varnish.

In hindsight, the TD looks really bare. I should have kept the label "score" and renamed "turn" into "down" or something. Oh well....
Next, the three section dugout.
Lastly, the scatter template.
First off, I measured and cut out a suitable sized board. I'm not quite sure what the technical name of the board is, its sort of pulp + adhesive pressed into a board.

I then use spray adhesive to stick a layer of cereal box cardboard on top. It wasn't long enough to go all the way so I decided to only have it over the numbers, and not the labels on the side (which indicate what the numbers represent). I have stuck it printed side down because sometimes the printing interferes with the primer. Plus the raw side has nicer texture.

I turned it over and trimmed the excess cereal box card off. Then flip it over again and mark in the squares. Next I use a dried out pen to draw heavily onto the cardboard, scoring in the boxes.

After that, I stuck on number stickers for the number track and the labels. I decided to have the score track here since my pitch does not have the score track. I also collapsed the two halfs onto one. I wanted to label the first column "score" but irritatingly ran out of "R"s so I changed it to "TD" for touch downs. Now I spray the whole thing black!

After the black, I slightly mist it with a pale greyish blue by making multiple quick passes with the spray can over the black.

Then the drybrushing begins. The sticker alphabets and numbers will stick out and the boxes scored with the pen will fall in so hopefully all of that will be picked up by the dry brush. I first gave it a light dry brush with an orangey brown. Then followed by multiple layers of a light creamy colour. I decided that that the details were not obvious enough so I used a black ball point pen and drew in the shadows on the words and numbers and also re-drew the lines for the box. After that, I gave it another few goes with the creamy colour dry brush and its done. Now to wait for a dry day and give it a few coats of varnish.

In hindsight, the TD looks really bare. I should have kept the label "score" and renamed "turn" into "down" or something. Oh well....
Next, the three section dugout.
Lastly, the scatter template.
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