The Nut Bowl League

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Round four: Bearded Ladies vs. Silent D'Arters

more information as it comes in,
Final score for the Bearded Ladies is 3 touchdowns and 5 casualties, earning them 6 league points.

Final score for the Silent D'Arters is 1 touchdown and no casualties, earning them no league points.

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Sunday, August 27, 2006

Round four: The Disco Dead vs. Blue Mountain Earthquakes

Disco Dead fans turn out in numbers and the Dead have +1 FAME. The Ogres wins toss and chooses to receive. Kick goes out of bounds and is placed in the hands of a Snotling.

As the ball floats through the air, the Cheering Disco Fans break into a chant and you can feel the Disco Dead come to life.

The Dead set up well back and take the Ogres first push well. The Disco Dead edge towards the left field and gang up on and knock down a Ogre. Boogie has his eye on the Snotling carrying the ball who feels threatened and scampers over to his left. Too late, he's knocked down and the ball is loose.

The BM can't pick up the ball. The Dead again gang up on an Ogre and it takes 2 WWs, a Wight and 2 Zombies to knock him out!

2 Ogres aren't enough to keep the Disco Dead away. 8 of them knock the Ogres down and open a path to the Ogre backfield for Le Freak. Mr Furious knocks humslef down in the process but both side roll snake eyes for the Armour Roll.

With an Ogre down the BMs move the ball back to their right. Being next to Brother Sledge doesn't help Boney M who gets CAS by 3 Ogres with Morghurg Facemangler getting the honours. He needs a few days in the cemetery to recover.

3 Snotlings start a drive for the endzone. But before the downed Ogres can get up to support the drive, a bit of bad luck causes a turnover. All those down Ogres allow the werewolves to dash back and get between the Snotlings and the endzone.

The BMs consolidate and pull the ball back behind their Ogres. Brother Sledge CAS Snotling 741 and a Bone-headed Ogre allows Mr Furious to break through and sack the ball carrier. He tries to go for the ball but falls over in the attempt.

Turns 7 and 8

During the ongoing melee on the right field, Boogie manages to CAS an Ogre.

In the centre, the Snotlings just cannot pick up the ball which leaves the Blue Mountain back field open.

With some fancy footwork, Mr Furious stands up, blitzes a Snotling, picks up the ball and heads for the endzone. He is well covered by The Shoveller and Brother Sledge.

With only 3 Ogres left on the field, the BMEs ignore the ball to go head bashing and Mr Furious scores.

With an Ogre down the BME can't cover the field.

The DDs are down a Zombie as well. They set up very heavily weighted on the right but why are both werewolves in the back field? A mistake or just excessive caution.

And the DD pay for that mistake as the ball lands on the perfect position, just behind the LOS on the right. While kicking himself for not having the werewolves in position, the coach forgets that the Wights are pretty decent ball carriers as well.

Turn 2

By sheer weight of numbers, the Disco Dead knock down the last Ogre on the right field.

Mr. Furious breaks through with the Wright twins providing good cover.

But it's too late. Two Snotlings step into the the path of Mr. Furious. Then Bezagg Brainbasher uses Break Tackel to blitz Mr Furious ... but Mr Furious stays on his feet.

But it's too late. Two Snotlings step into the the path of Mr. Furious. Then Bezagg Brainbasher uses Break Tackle to blitz Mr Furious ... but Mr Furious stays on his feet.

Turn 3

The DD dead try to clear some space for Mr Furious to escape the trap but Woogie falls over trying to dodge out and it's a turnover before Mr Furious can move.

The BME waste no time in knocking Mr Furious down and knocking the ball loose. A Snotling attempts a pick up but he fails and the ball bounces to Boogie who catches it!

Another attempt to open a hole for Mr Furious to escape. This time Le Freak falls over in a dodge attempt. Things are not looking good as the DD end their own turn with 3 critical players on the ground while 2 Ogres bear down on Boogie.

Boogie is down and the ball's sitting on the sideline.

Turn 5

With only 4 players standing, Brother Sledge leads an attack that sends 2 Ogres to the floor. The 2 Werewolves and Woogie run away from the ball in their desperation to get away from the 2 standing Ogres.

Poor ball handling continues to plague the BMEs as a Snotling fumbles the ball into the crowd which then throws it all the way to the center field.

Turns 6 and 7

Mr Furious dashes over to pick up the ball and has a clear run to the BME endzone. The BMEs don't even attempt to stop Mr Furious but take their frustration out on the other DDs but fail to injure any.

Turn 8

On the kick-off, the BMEs are stunned by their bad luck. The DD take advantage rearrange for a Perfect Defense, avoiding the worst of the Ogres and surviving the initial onslaught.

The DDs then gang up on the Ogres. They knock 2 down but do no damage. In an amazing turn of events, Knock on Wood double downs Vargh the Hunter. After they pull the bodies apart, the Ogre has been CAS'ed!

Final score for the Disco Dead was 2 touchdowns and 4 casualties, earning them 5 league points.

Final score for the Blue Mountain Earthquakes was no touchdowns and 3 casualties, earning them 1 league point.

see here for pictures!

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Round four: Hongo Valley Wildflowers vs. Redskull Rascals

A brutal match-up has been promised with the boy orcs of the Redskull Rascals and the girl orcs from the Hongo Valley Wildflowers scheduled for game today!

As both sides take up their field positions, a crazed Redskull fan throws a huge rock from the sidelines, smashing the knee of Wildflower blocker Opuntia. Looks like it will never heal completely, poor sad thing. As she was being stretchered off, the Rascals kicks a short ball that lands right into the hands of the Wildflower blitzer Azaleas who dashes ahead into the Rascal’s line with the rest of her team mates.

In the ensuing melee, the Rascal troll Screefin pummels the Wildflower lineorc Camellia, badly hurting her, while the Wildflowers take revenge as the blocker Beebalm barrel into the Rascal blitzer Fordip, braking a couple of ribs. Looks like he won’t recover before the next game.

In the madness of the pushing around, several Rascals team up and smashed through Azaleas’ guards knocking her to the ground and bouncing the ball away into the hands of Ethmean, the Rascal thrower. Not extremely pleased, she immediately stands up and headbutts Ethmean, badly hurting him. Unfortunately the ball bounces into the crowd who gayfully tossed it back onto the pitch, over the heads of the two orc teams.

With both teams entangled on the left side of the field, and the ball all the way to the right, the Wildflower goblin, Aster manages to slip out, scoops up the ball, and ran all the way to the end zone. Score one for the Wildflowers in a very brutal drive.

It’s the Rascal’s turn to receive and they soon formed a cage around the ball carrier and slowly edges forward. The Wildflower surrounds the cage slowing their advance but unfortunately Aster the Wildflower goblin managed to end up next to Screefin, the Rascal’s troll and was killed in the stampede.

The Wildflowers manages to break the cage but not before the ball carrier runs off into safety. But it was too late to score and the half ends.

It seems the same mean spirited Redskull fan has not left as the second half starts with another rock the flew out and stuns Parsely the Wildflower thrower. The Rascals capitalized on the hole in the already depleated Wildflower line and pushes forward hard while the newly hired goblin Rancelot picks up the ball.

After a grueling scrum work, Rancelot manages to break free of the defending Wildflowers and speeds down to the Wildflower endzone, only to trip on his big toe at the last yard. The ball is then picked up by the Wildflower thrower Parsely who throws it to fellow blitzer Clover attempting to bring the ball as far from their endzone as possible.

However the outnumbered girls were not able succeed as the Rascals reclaimed the ball, and throws it down field to the waiting Rancelot who finally dashes once again towards the end zone. This time he makes it and scores the equalizer in the final moments of the second half, turning a loss into a draw.

Final score for the Hongo Valley Wildflowers was 1 touchdown and 2 casualties, earning them 2 league points.

Final score for the Redskull Rascals was 1 touchdown and 3 casualties, earning them 3 league points.

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Round three: Bearded Ladies vs. Redskull Rascals

more information as it comes in,
Final score for the Bearded Ladies is 2 touchdowns and 2 casualties, earning them 4 league points.

Final score for the Redskull Rascals is no touchdowns and 1 casualty, earning them no league points.













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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Scatter template

Click here to see part one, how I did the number tracks
Click here to see part two, how I did the dugout

Lastly as you can see, there is a bare plot of land behind the dice tray and between the number tracks.

I wasn't 100% sure what I was going to do with it but in the end I decided to cut out a square and do the scatter template on it. This was done simply by using the same method as the number track.

The left over section I just made it into a box. I can be used to hold the dices that are not being used at the time. Or it could be the holding pen for players to chill after being sent off by the ref. This was also done the same way as the dice tray.

And here is the completed thing, ready for play!

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Click here to see how the number track was done

Now to make the dugout. First the bottom plate is cut out using the same board as the number track, making sure the width is the same. You can see that the area is marked out for the three parts, reserve, knocked out and dead. This later proved to be pointless as I stuck the felt over it....

Next, using spray adhesive, a layer of felt is stuck onto the board. I intend to stick wooden sticks onto the board to act as walls. Since it will not stick properly to the felt, the parts that the wood will go need to be denuded. Carfully marking out the parts that need to go, a sharp knife is used to cut the felt, then it is peeled off. The peeling off has to be done carefully incase the felt has not been cut through, as you don't want to deform the parts you want to keep. A bit of fur removal is needed to pluck out as much as possible of the felt that the spray adhesive grabbed.

The board was next given a light mist using a dark brown spray can to give it a bit of shading. Try to get it onto the area next to where the walls would be.

Next drybrush the felt using succesively lighter brown paints. I did 3 layers on mine.

I thought it would be fun to mark the KO and dead boxes with yellow and red boxes like the official cardboard ones. Also because I'm still not sure I'll be marking them with text so some sort of seperating the boxes would be good. So I use two pieces of card to mask a line and paint onto the felt the two colours. Basically you put the card over the parts you don't want paint on, exposing the parts you want painted, then paint it! Instant straight line.

I then sawed a bunch of wood into the appropriate lengths, painted them dark brown, then stuck them onto the board using liquid nails.

Then another round of drybrushing, this time on the wooden 'walls' and the dugouts are finished.

Now this leaves a bit of empty space in the middle so I thought it would be neat to have an area for you to roll dice in so you don't knock over all your minis with an over vigourous block dice! First I measured the difference in the length of my pitch and the total of the two dugouts. Then the same base board is cut to that length, and the same width as the dugouts.

Using pretty much the same process as the dugout, a sheet of green felt is stuck onto the board, and the boarders are removed for the wooden walls. This time, I thought that it was okay to leave the felt unpainted.

The wooden walls were sawed to the right length, painted black, then stuck on, again with liquid nails. The black was touched up a bit and then its all done!

And finally, the scatter template and misc tray!

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Number Track

I decided to start doing a home made dugout to go with my gaming board. I thought it was best to have it in multiple parts one with the number track and one with the actual dug outs for the players. I wasn't going to spend too much time on it so it had to be simple.

First off, I measured and cut out a suitable sized board. I'm not quite sure what the technical name of the board is, its sort of pulp + adhesive pressed into a board.

I then use spray adhesive to stick a layer of cereal box cardboard on top. It wasn't long enough to go all the way so I decided to only have it over the numbers, and not the labels on the side (which indicate what the numbers represent). I have stuck it printed side down because sometimes the printing interferes with the primer. Plus the raw side has nicer texture.

I turned it over and trimmed the excess cereal box card off. Then flip it over again and mark in the squares. Next I use a dried out pen to draw heavily onto the cardboard, scoring in the boxes.

After that, I stuck on number stickers for the number track and the labels. I decided to have the score track here since my pitch does not have the score track. I also collapsed the two halfs onto one. I wanted to label the first column "score" but irritatingly ran out of "R"s so I changed it to "TD" for touch downs. Now I spray the whole thing black!

After the black, I slightly mist it with a pale greyish blue by making multiple quick passes with the spray can over the black.

Then the drybrushing begins. The sticker alphabets and numbers will stick out and the boxes scored with the pen will fall in so hopefully all of that will be picked up by the dry brush. I first gave it a light dry brush with an orangey brown. Then followed by multiple layers of a light creamy colour. I decided that that the details were not obvious enough so I used a black ball point pen and drew in the shadows on the words and numbers and also re-drew the lines for the box. After that, I gave it another few goes with the creamy colour dry brush and its done. Now to wait for a dry day and give it a few coats of varnish.

In hindsight, the TD looks really bare. I should have kept the label "score" and renamed "turn" into "down" or something. Oh well....

Next, the three section dugout.
Lastly, the scatter template.

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Saturday, August 12, 2006

Beer with beauty

beer gardenWhen you bite the turf and your body is aching, it is so easy to just lie down on the recovery bench and wait for the full time horn to sound. But nothing keeps your chin up like a nice frothy mug of our best beer served by a gorgeous.

Reasonable rates, will travel to any game, big or small. Free flow of beer included in price.

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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chaos in the Nut Bowl League!

A tiny miscommunication and mix-up (common in small leagues so they say) resulted in an incorrect public announcement. The first tournament is in fact the Chaos Cup rather than the Nut Bowl. The Nut Bowl League Committee apologies profusely for this error and wishes to once again thank the very generous Chaos Practitioners Association for their support in our league.

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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Round three: Blue Mountain Earthquakes vs Silent D'Arters

more information as it comes in,









Final score for the Blue Mountain Earthquakes is 1 touchdown and 7 casualties, earning them 5 league points.

Final score for the Silent D'Arters is no touchdowns and one casualty, earning them 1 league point.

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Round three: The Disco Dead vs The Hongo Valley Wildflowers

Another lovely day sees the start of the game between the shambling but sexy Disco Dead and the mean yet sassy orcs of the Hongo Valley Wildflowers. Both captains approach the referee, a coin is tossed and the Wildflowers are receiving.

A second before the undead got ready, the Wildflowers got off on a quick start and emptied the line of scrimmage attacking both flanks of the Disco Dead line. Unfortunately, no one seemed to remember telling Parsley, the orcish thrower, that they were going to start early and the blubbering fool failed to grab the ball, leaving her and the ball out in the open.

Seeing the juicy target, the werewolves sprinted across the field as Le Freak takes on Parsley while Mr. Furious provides cover. Only too late did the orcs realized their mistake. With the entire offensive line engaged in a bitter skirmish, only Aster the goblin managed to break away to help parsley to slow down the advancing werewolves. They were however proved to be insufficient, as Le Freak flattens Parsley again and dodges away from Aster running straight pass the touchdown line earning the Disco Dead the first touchdown of the day.

As the two teams return to their starting position, an angry fan chucks a rock at Opuntia the orc blocker stunning her leaving a gap in the Wildflower’s front line. The Disco Dead capitalized on the foul deed by attempting to push through once again with the werewolves while Brother Sledge the Flesh Golem, and a couple of zombies, The Shoveller and Morthana form a defensive line to tie up the other orcs from filling the gap.

After a bit of shuffling on both sides, the werewolves managed to break through once again to attack butterfingers Parsley but Mr. Furious got too agitated and managed to knock himself down at the same time.

Despite the efforts of the Disco Line, enough orcs managed to slip out to attack the pesky werewolf Le Freak, and a goblin stole the ball away. But the exposed goblin is soon pushed down by Mr Furious, the other werewolf, who again snatches the ball back. While the violent game of ball tag was carried out, an even more violent line battle between the undead and orcs resulted in MaBelle the zombie badly hurting Beebalm, an orc blocker, taking her out of the rest of the game. And with that, the stadium suddenly erupts into song "Ring mah Belllllleeelllll, ring mah bell!" Since it didn't look as if there was any major damage, Amaryllis, the Wildflowers nurse, ignored the groaning blocker and returned to her knitting.

After a bit of struggle, the Wildflowers managed to steal the ball back only to lose it yet again. It seems that the pot of greasy baby back ribs they ate before the game was a bad idea as they kept failing to pick the stupid ball up. It finally ends up in the hands of Le Freak but with time running out, it was too far away to score, even for the fleet footed werewolf.

A shrill whistle sounds just before the blast of the horn to signal the end of the first half. It seems that one of the nasty zombies attempted to stamp on a fallen orc! The referee will have none of that and sends the cheating cockroach off field into the sin bin.

Second half and the Disco Dead returned the favour by starting their attack early! However, the orcs have skillfully kicked the ball right up at the centre line! The Disco Line comes to an abrupt stop as one of the attacking undead slips on a bit of blood. Disaster for the dead! The ball is exposed!

The Wildflowers wasted no time in pushing through into the Dead half of the field but the ball continues to frustrate the girls as they failed to pick it up yet again. The show-off Mr Furious pushes his way into the orc mass to pick up the ball but the undead loses the initiative when the Shoveller trips over himself before his team mate have covered the back field. With the way to the end clear, the orc blitzer Clover sends Mr Furious to the moon, scoops up the bouncing ball and hops all the way to a touch down! The Wildflowers scores!

A new kick off again. Unbeknownst to the referee and the Wildflowers, the zombie that was sent to the sin bin at the end of the first half snuck back onto field! Questions will be asked and heads shall roll!

The orc offensive started with 2 of the orc blitzers pushing through the Disco Dead’s right flank to try to sack the DD ball carrier. Unfortunately the reduced number left the Wildflower’s line too weak as the Disco Dead smashed their way through yet again with the werewolves leading the attack. A familiar situation as the entangled orcs struggle to free players from the line war, a few scattered Wildflowers try to hold down the werewolf couple. Despite the valiant attempts by a line orc and goblin, Mr Furious manages to shake them off and scored the second touch down for the Disco Dead, sealing their victory.

While there was not enough time to score, Le Freak teamed up with the slutty Morthana who, obviously jealous of her better looks, managed to push the orc blitzer Larkspur into the crowd, badly hurting the poor girl. In the final moments of the game, the orc thrower Parsley picks up the ball and for no apparent reason throws it over to Ratama, the team captain. And fails. It took her a second try before she succeeds in passing the ball. Allegedly, it was overhead that the Wildflower coach Umbel threatened to confiscate her beloved spice rack should she fail to make a single pass in the game.

And with that the game draws to an end.

Final score for the Disco Dead is 2 touchdowns and 2 casualties, earning them 4 league points.

Final score for the Hongo Valley Wildflowers is one touchdown and 1 casualty, earning them 1 league point.

Pictures can be found here.

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Sunday, August 06, 2006

Round two: The Disco Dead vs Redskull Rascals

more information as it comes in,

Final score for the Disco Dead is 2 touchdowns and 1 casualty, earning them 4 league points.

Final score for the Redskull Rascals is no touchdowns and 5 casualties, earning them 1 league point.

O1 Troll KOs Morthana Woman in his first block. Boogie is down.
D1 Shoveller does a good block but only manages a stun
O2 Troll both downs BoneyM
D2 Furious pushes Blitzer into the crowds, then grabs the ball and runs for the endzone with Woogie covering effectively.
O3 BO stuns zombie. LO CAS Boogie who regens. Brother Sledge holds up the Orc line before falling
D3 Furious dodges out and dashes for the touchdown!
O4 Blitz! The ball falls close to the half line but well covered bu Orcs. Furious breaks through hoping for a lucky break for the ball.
O4 Orcs recover and kick Furious off field to reserves, pick up the ball and start the drive. Woogie is CAS and on a 41 MNG
D4 DD pick themselves up and try to form a sembleance of a line
O5 Orcs kick butt and push a Blitzer way up the opposite end of the field.
D5 Shoveller double down and stuns LO. But the Orc cage hold firm and DDs can't get close to the ball.
O6 Troll CAS Stayin Alive who regens. LO CAS Mothana who also regens. Orcs go for a pass and Ring MaBelle intercepts.
D6 Ring MaBelle is stuck. On the other side Woogie stuns a LO.
O7 Orcs desperately try to take the ball from surrounded Morthana. A Troll, a Black Orc and 3 Line Orcs, 4 Blocks and 9 dice later, MaBelle still stands
D7 MaBell is stuck alone and no one can break free and get to her
O8 Finally Morthana is knowcked down. The Orc runs to the end zone, a pass. Inaccurate and then ball is free.
D8 With just 4 undead standing, 3 down on the field, 3 in back in reserves and 1 CAS the coach ends the turn.

D1 Quick snap and a slight repositioning to open the right flank
O1 Kicks randomn butt
D2 3 zombies hold off 5 Orcs on the left. Brother Sledge holds off the Troll Leaving DD with an edge on the right despite being 1 man down
O2 Orcs knock down 4 DDs but are still weak on the right.
D3 The 3 Zombies and Brother Sledge do a good job keeping Orcs off the right flank grinds forward.
O3 Orcs don't have enough of the right to hinder Furious
D4 The only tackle zone is kicked into the crowd by Ring MaBelle and Furious double GFI to the end zone for a TD.
O4 Orcs knock down 4 zombies then 3 Orcs move deep to charge the 2 Werewolves.
D5 With help of Boogie the 2 WW clear the 3 Orcs
O5 Orcs knock down more DDs, creating a big advantage on the right flank.
D6 LeFreak and Boogie dash to cover the Orc breakthrough
O6 Orcs try to break through but Brother Sledge helps hold the line
D7 Mr Furious charges in to close the gap and CAS a LO
O7 BoneyM is KO'd, BoneyM is stunned again but the Orcs are desperate and try a long pass…Brother Sledge intercepts!
D8 With 5 men standiung vs 10 Orcs the DDs decide to play it safe.
O8 A few more hits but the DDs survive the game.
Pictures can be found here

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