more information as it comes in,
Final score for the Disco Dead is 2 touchdowns and 1 casualty, earning them 4 league points.
Final score for the Redskull Rascals is no touchdowns and 5 casualties, earning them 1 league point.
O1 Troll KOs Morthana Woman in his first block. Boogie is down.
D1 Shoveller does a good block but only manages a stun
O2 Troll both downs BoneyM
D2 Furious pushes Blitzer into the crowds, then grabs the ball and runs for the endzone with Woogie covering effectively.
O3 BO stuns zombie. LO CAS Boogie who regens. Brother Sledge holds up the Orc line before falling
D3 Furious dodges out and dashes for the touchdown!
O4 Blitz! The ball falls close to the half line but well covered bu Orcs. Furious breaks through hoping for a lucky break for the ball.
O4 Orcs recover and kick Furious off field to reserves, pick up the ball and start the drive. Woogie is CAS and on a 41 MNG
D4 DD pick themselves up and try to form a sembleance of a line
O5 Orcs kick butt and push a Blitzer way up the opposite end of the field.
D5 Shoveller double down and stuns LO. But the Orc cage hold firm and DDs can't get close to the ball.
O6 Troll CAS Stayin Alive who regens. LO CAS Mothana who also regens. Orcs go for a pass and Ring MaBelle intercepts.
D6 Ring MaBelle is stuck. On the other side Woogie stuns a LO.
O7 Orcs desperately try to take the ball from surrounded Morthana. A Troll, a Black Orc and 3 Line Orcs, 4 Blocks and 9 dice later, MaBelle still stands
D7 MaBell is stuck alone and no one can break free and get to her
O8 Finally Morthana is knowcked down. The Orc runs to the end zone, a pass. Inaccurate and then ball is free.
D8 With just 4 undead standing, 3 down on the field, 3 in back in reserves and 1 CAS the coach ends the turn.
D1 Quick snap and a slight repositioning to open the right flank
O1 Kicks randomn butt
D2 3 zombies hold off 5 Orcs on the left. Brother Sledge holds off the Troll Leaving DD with an edge on the right despite being 1 man down
O2 Orcs knock down 4 DDs but are still weak on the right.
D3 The 3 Zombies and Brother Sledge do a good job keeping Orcs off the right flank grinds forward.
O3 Orcs don't have enough of the right to hinder Furious
D4 The only tackle zone is kicked into the crowd by Ring MaBelle and Furious double GFI to the end zone for a TD.
O4 Orcs knock down 4 zombies then 3 Orcs move deep to charge the 2 Werewolves.
D5 With help of Boogie the 2 WW clear the 3 Orcs
O5 Orcs knock down more DDs, creating a big advantage on the right flank.
D6 LeFreak and Boogie dash to cover the Orc breakthrough
O6 Orcs try to break through but Brother Sledge helps hold the line
D7 Mr Furious charges in to close the gap and CAS a LO
O7 BoneyM is KO'd, BoneyM is stunned again but the Orcs are desperate and try a long pass…Brother Sledge intercepts!
D8 With 5 men standiung vs 10 Orcs the DDs decide to play it safe.
O8 A few more hits but the DDs survive the game.
Pictures can be found here
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